You Can Reap the Benefits of Kale and Still Be True to Your Roots

From the moment I first consider a positive change in my life until the time I begin to act on it could be months, even years. For some, they can go a lifetime without ever having taken the action necessary to better their well being. Whether it’s quitting smoking, working out, eating healthy or spreading […]
Pro-mo Chef Influences Coworkers

One of the reasons most young chefs are motivated to get up and go to work every day is for the instant social interaction with the attractive front of the house staff. The endless hook up potential from the constant flow of newbies keeps the pep in their step when kitchen life gets stale. I […]
How Much Do Chefs Really Need to Taste or Even Have Taste Buds?

Tasting what you are preparing and also the food being made by your cooks is a huge part of maintaining consistency and setting standards in a kitchen. Ideally, it is through your sense of taste, smell and ability to verbalize it all to another that a chef can instill the dynamic of their palate to […]
The Weight of the Nation

I have recently joined an organization called Make Healthy Happen Miami. This outlet allows me to get hands on with the community and voice the message from a chef’s mouth. Last night, I had the chance to view the screening of, The Weight of the Nation. A four part documentary series confronting America’s obesity epidemic, […]