Choices: Overweight Doesn’t Mean it’s Over

Just a reminder: The Weight of the Nation streams online for free on The second of this four part documentary, Choices, first reminds us that Americans have built a cheap food model as a result of being mislead through television and advertising. It is the profitable foods that are in our face the most […]
Obesity is Crippling our Nation

For those of you that didn’t get to watch The Weight of the Nation on HBO, I pulled out some important information on Part 1 Consequences and Part 2 Choices. Part 1 looks at a study that started back in 1972 to prove that heart disease starts in childhood, the Bogalusa Study. This is the […]
The Weight of the Nation

I have recently joined an organization called Make Healthy Happen Miami. This outlet allows me to get hands on with the community and voice the message from a chef’s mouth. Last night, I had the chance to view the screening of, The Weight of the Nation. A four part documentary series confronting America’s obesity epidemic, […]